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11 Things to start with

1. Try to save plastic bottles, milk packets and other containers which can be used as pots. Color them, hang them and use your creativity. 2. Try to reuse carry bags. Use jute instead of plastic or paper. Save trees and money together. 3. Try to tear food packets from the middle instead of tearing off a little piece from the ends. Those small bits are non recyclable. 4. Plant one tree on your birthday and watch it grow with you. 5. Each drop of water matters. Try to save as many as you can. 6. Dig a small hole in your backyard and try to compost your kitchen waste. Use it as manure and grow veggies at home. 7. A page can be used again, use a pencil. A pen can be refilled, buy a refill not a new pen. 8. Switch off your car engine at the red light. Try to use a bicycle one day of the month. 9. Always remember to switch off lights and other electrical appliances when not in use. 10. It goes without saying, do not litter and don't let others do so. 11. Try to educate at least one person.

Why Nobody is Too small to make a Change

We always think that we can't make a change alone. Even after having our good will towards a cause, we often back out beacuse of lack of support or lack of appreciation from others. Try to think it this way. A full grown tree is a home to a variety of creatures. It produces aprroximately 260 pounds of oxygen each year and abosrbs an average of 48 pounds of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, some can transpire nearly 150,000 litres of water anually. These numbers are just impressive. Whether you plant one or a hundred it always makes a difference. So don't underestimate the potential of a single person. Remember that each one of today's marvels was once just an idea.


Plantation should serve a variety of purposes, strengthening the symbiotic nature between man and plants. Before going for a plantation, the area should always be considered. In a rural setting, seasonal fruit trees are the best received. Sand trapping trees for ceasing wind erosion near coastal and desert regions. Hilly regions need erosion controllers like cedar and fir. A simple park or household setting can focus on plants that give out a higher oxygen content and are natural air purifiers. These include trees like neem, peepal, banyan, teak, arjuna or household plants like aloe vera, snake plant, tulsi, pothos plant and many more. Some like aloe vera are known for clearing the air of toxins like aldehydes and benzene, also producing oxygen at night. Most of them find use in the kitchen and skincare too. It is advisable to stick to native plants, particularly those which require less care. Each year several plantations take place, but only a small percentage of it grow to maturity. After plantation, it is vital to tend to the plant for a certain period to ensure that your efforts are worth it.

Using Agricultural Waste

The organic food market has become a promising industry in India and provides many growth opportunities for the majority of Indian farmers who own comparatively small portions of land. Most Indian farmers own livestock for additional income. This livestock generates a considerable amount of waste which is beneficial in several ways. Simple composting of waste for some months produces compost(carbon-rich fertilizer) that can be used to improve the soil structure, increase microbial activity, plant resistance against diseases and supports soil fertility. This provides a good alternative to cheap quality synthetic fertilizers that reduce the nutrient content and ultimately exhaust the soil fertility(a major problem in India). Other than this farm waste can also be used for the production of biogas. Most Biogas plants buy waste from nearby farmers providing them with an extra income. Not only is it used for energy production but is also provided to households for cooking purposes at a minimal rate. Several agricultural landowners can even develop household biogas gas units for domestic use. Proper management of agricultural waste is not only economically beneficial for agricultural landowners but also promotes the production of renewable energy. Educating the farmers about its benefits and connecting them with organizations that work with such waste can be an effective way of promoting healthy and organic food and at the same time contributing to environmental protection.

Your duty towards the environment as per the Indian Constitution

Fundamental duties (Part IV A) Article 51A To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife, and to have compassion for living creatures.

The History of Environment Protection in Independent India

The detailed and developed framework for environmental protection came after the UN conference on Human Environment in Stockholm, in 1972. This led to the formation of the National Council for Environmental Policy and Planning in 1972 within the science and technology department. This was set up to establish a regulatory body for the overview of the environmental-related issues and concerns. This council was later converted to the Ministry of Environment and Forests

Know Your Plastic Product Codes

1 (PETE), 2 (HDPE) - Recycle them. These codes can be found on soda bottles, water bottles, cleaning products, milk and juice jugs, and shampoo bottles. 3 (V), 6 (PS), 7(OTHER) - Can't be recycled. These codes can be found on plastic wraps, oil containers, PVC containers, vinyl and styrofoam products. 4 (LDPE), 5 (PP) - Maybe. Since few recyling centers process these plastics, ask if they accept these beforehand. If possible choose the codes that are easily recyclable. Buy smart, Live Green