Eco-conservator is a student-initiated organization based in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, that endeavours to provide children, men and women with a platform through which they can contribute to reducing environmental degradation and make a better sustainable change. Eco-conservator had begun its functioning in 2019 under the leadership of Devansh Singh. Our fundamental task is to ensure that the conservation systems we practice or suggest are accessible, easily adaptable and relevant to the common crowd, specifically impactful to the younger children."
Read MoreGandhi once said, "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." Take a moment to reckon on your routine. Understand where you fulfill your need or satisfy your greed.
I've found a place beside a friendly tree, Where I'll hide my face when the world hurts me, For the tree will never hurt; I shall love it to the end; It shall have a dear, dear name: "My true and silent friend." by Annet te Wynne
कितनी मनोरम है ये धरती, प्रकृति और ये पर्यावरण। कल-कल बहते पानी के झरने, हरी भरी सी धरती और इसके इंद्रधनुषीय नज़ारे। कलरव करते नभ में पक्षी, जीवन के राग सुनाते है। मस्त पवन के झोंको में, यूँही बहतें जाते हैं। फूलों से रस को चुनने, कितनें भौरें आते है। कली-कली पर घूम-घूम कर, देखो कैसे इतरातें है। बारिश की बूंदे भी देखो, सबके मन को भाती है। हरा-भरा कर धरती को, सबको जीवन दे जाती हैं। कितनी मनोरम है ये धरती, प्रकृति और ये पर्यावरण। हमको जीवन देनी वाली प्रकृति का, मिलकर करना है हम सबको सरंक्षण।
हमारा पर्यावरण हमारे रवैये और अपेक्षाओं का आइना होता है।
The leaky tap drips day and night. Just fix it right or shut it tight, It seems the earth with water abounds But thinks it’s every drop that really counts. Sudarsh
Nature provides tranquility and peace. You might not feel its importance but it is. A day never passes where it doesn't help. A minute of quiet is sometimes all we need, to heal and truly breathe.
A world where there is no green sight Is a place devoid of harmony, devoid of light To dream of a better world Is is so mean a task ? A world that loves us As its own not as an invader. - Himanshu Raj
A plastic bag takes hundreds years to decompose. Plastic waste creates numerous landfills everyday that make the land unfit for any other use. With the increase in population pressure over land, a single foot of space matters. Reject its use if not necessary, if possible reduce and if not then reuse and recycle. - Priyanshu Ghosh
Our world is so beautiful. Take a moment to soak it in. From the fantabulous landscapes to the intriguing and intricate mysteries of life and living beings, everything is just so unique. The largest or the smallest, the hot and cold, the living and non living, all are miraculously balanced. As we know, even a small change in the gene structure can lead to catastrophic mutations. Same way, breakage of this delicate balance can lead to our downfall. So respect this balance, respect nature and respect life.
M S Swaminathan once said,“if conservation of natural resources goes wrong, nothing else will go right.” Today we are divided by borders, religions and race. Each of us support different agendas. But something we all have in common is to ensure the perpetuation of our earth and of humanity. It does not require years of education or competition. It only requires few minutes of your day and a good will.
As pollution increases, our life expectancy will decrease. A day of breathing the toxic air in many megacities can be equal to smoking even 10-15 cigarettes in a single day. Millions suffered severely from ambient air pollution which even caused lung cancers, asthma attacks and cardiovascular diseases. A large portion of this could have been reduced by taking small steps. It is time that we become conscious of our actions and contribute in any way possible.
Climate change leaves animals at risk of drought, disease and death as the heat causes freshwater supplies to dwindle. Infectious diseases spread faster and bring with it one of the biggest killers of animals - heat stroke. Myanmar recorded the highest number of elephant deaths because of heat strokes.
Between 1980 and 2000, heat waves in 32 European countries cost upto $71 billion
This year Australia recorded its hottest day with a temperature of 50.7 C on its western coast, UK with 40.3 C, while Delhi registered its highest-ever temperature of 49 C in May
4 Billion trees are cut down each year worldwide for paper